Monday, October 1, 2012


Dear Temple,
I hope this note finds you well and happy. Today we went to court for the boys permanency hearing. Things went as we expected. The boy's biological family is doing what what they are supposed to do for reunification - so the boys will eventually go. They will be with us for Christmas and probably be gone sometime in January. Such is life.
We have good news on the kid front. On October 9th we are involved in a staffing for another kid. A three-year-old boy. A staffing is where your Aunt Crystal and I will be interviewed by a panel of people to see if we are the right placement for a child who is in the custody of the state. There will be about four families interviewed. If the people in the panel don't have their heads up their patoots - they will choose us.
Having children around is expensive. I want that old Gremlin car to work on, but those funds seem to go to such frivolous things such as food and diapers. Would I trade any of the kids for an old car? Yes I would - but that would be wrong. So I won't.
My sister is coming to visit us this weekend, which is cool. I don't know if anything is going on down at main street. Last weekend was Oktoberfest, so I think it will be quiet. You never know. It could be Scottish fest or something. I don't know how my gut will react to such diversity of cultural victuals. We'll have to test the water and see. Where we live somebody always seems to be 'festing' something somewhere. We just have to sniff it out.
Elijah got out of homeschooling for the day because of the little one's court appearance. He was pretty happy about it. He got to spend the day at my friend Jeffrey's house. He has his hands full with kids so I am always very grateful when he helps our family out. Good friends are hard to come by. He's one of them.
I hope you had a nice Saturday.
I love you much and miss you always,
                 Uncle Justin

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